One of the highlights of my summer is getting together with the Leith-Mcivor-Smith clan. Each summer we choose a new location on Hornby, in the late afternoon sunshine, to gather all together. Then i just sit back & capture the fun. This gang is amazing! Deeply connected, playful, outgoing, fun, silly, fabulous & totally at ease with each other. Wonderfully uncontrolled, the afternoons unfold as they do & a great time is always had by us all. It's been a gift to watch Lauren & Liam grow from kids into young teenagers & to watch Chloe's entrance into the world. How can a job get better than this? They even manage to make the hours of post production photoshop work fun... i often catch myself with a big fat grin on my face while working on their photos - the feeling of the day still coming vividly through in their pictures. Here's a taste from last summer...
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