creative. modern. celebratory. fun

vancouver island photographer - creative & candid on location photography
specializing in weddings, families, kids & babies, engagement & trash-the-dress sessions on
vancouver island, hornby island, the gulf islnds, lower mainland & beyond

Welcome to my photo blog. A place to find pics from my photo sessions (past & present), specials, travels, sneak peaks for clients & some of my favorites from the past. Enjoy... cruise the content (by labels or dates), leave a comment, come back for more! And thanks for stopping by - jennifer

Wednesday, October 21, 2009


it's been far too long since i uploaded some photos of tess. And she's changing so quickly! I've been concentrating on finalizing client's work (which, with a 3 month old, is a challenge, to say the least!) But finally last night, while tess & Marc were tucked into bed, i sat down & worked on some images from the last couple of weeks. Big changes! She has started to lift herself up to sitting from lying down just with the support of our fingers & then up to standing! Amazing. Very often she actually supports her own weight when she's up on her feet & if she has shoes on (also a new thing recently), it's easier for her to find the flat bottoms of her feet. And she's laughing now... haven't caught that in photos yet, but i will. SO heartwarming to hear her laugh. Such delight. Anyhow, here's a roam through the last weeks with tess starting with her sitting up watching mama work on the computer...

she loves the finger. The human soother. Very often it helps get her to sleep during the day. When she falls deeply into sleep, we can slip it out but until then, we are rendered immobile. Parenthood.

passed out in the snuggly... home from a walk, asleep... walking outdoors is a close 2nd to the finger in calming tess down. She loves being outside - looking at the trees, listening to the ocean, the birds, a world of discovery...

& then sometimes she's wide awake..

& very often hungry (my organic baby - a canadian company producing organic formula - yay! tess loves it)... pretty much every 2-3 hours through the day & night... every now & then, at night, those 3 hours stretch out to 3 1/2 or even 4 (a couple of times) which means 3+ hours of continuous sleep. Joy.

mostly i'm behind the camera (which is just fine by me)... but here's one our good friend vicky gannon ( took when they were here in september. It's fabulous having a very talented photographer as a friend!

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

chloe the wonder cat

there's something so sweet about a cat peering in a window... on a rainy day... just a few feet from her cat door...

i love this shot of tess staring at her papa with chloe stretched out in the background. A now very normal scene in our living room. Who would have guessed...

cat stretch...

nice twist, miss...

Monday, October 5, 2009

chelsea & david

a little more from chelsea & david's beautiful day... after the ceremony, before the fawn & helliwell, was a stop at jack's farm for some fun with the bridal party...

chelsea & david

so before heading out to helliwell park with just chelsea & david, we stopped at a friend's place to introduce their 2 little girls to maggie's fawn. It was, of course, love at first sight & was such a delight to photograph...

& then out to helliwell with the beautiful bride & groom...